Faith’s Checkbook Devotional – Free Edition

Faith's Checkbook IconFaith’s Checkbook Devotional brings the wisdom and inspiration of Charles H. Spurgeon’s Faith’s Checkbook to your phone or tablet.

Get it free (for the glory of God):
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Main Features

  • 366 Daily devotions!
  • Swipe (slide your finger) to move between days
  • Choose any day’s devotion with the “Date” button
  • Tap to see today’s Bible verse on the Bible Gateway website.  Read it and the surrounding verses in your favorite Bible version.

Share with a Friend

  • Press the “Share” button to share the displayed devotion content by email, blog, whatever app you may have (hard to fit into a 140 character tweet, though)
  • Share on Facebook (you will be asked to log in and give permission before you can share a devotion).
  • Copy and paste for apps that support Android sharing.


  • Install to SD card on Android 2.2 and up.
  • No ads, but will offer a message from Looking Upward Apps from time to time.

The devotions themselves (originally Chequebook of the Bank of Faith) were written by the Rev. Charles Spurgeon in the 19th century.  Charles Haddon Spurgeon was an influential 19th century English Christian preacher.  He’s still known as the “Prince of Preachers” to this day, and this devotional book features short but meaningful meditations on a small part of the Bible for each day.  I find them to be a great blessing.  For more information about Spurgeon and his writings, visit the Spurgeon Archive.

The Faith’s Checkbook Mobile Devotion app is Copyright © 2010-2013 by Rev. Stephen Whitney.


If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, visit the WhitneyApps support page at We’d love to hear from you!

41 Responses to Faith’s Checkbook Devotional – Free Edition

  1. Jack Anderson says:

    Any news on release of Faith’s Checkbook paid edition?

    • Steve @ Looking Upward Apps says:

      Hi, Jack! Thanks for asking. We had a couple of other things that unexpectedly took our development time over the last couple of months, but we’re back on track for the enhanced version of Faith’s Checkbook. Features are being specced out now, and we’re excited about them. We’ll post more in the next few weeks as we get a better idea of the schedule. We look forward to releasing that and another prayer app in the months to come.



    • Steve @ Looking Upward Apps says:

      Hi, Jack! Do you have any requests for the new version? I’ve received several already, but I’d love to hear what would make it most helpful for you.


  2. Jack Anderson says:

    Could this version have a Bible reading schedule and tracking feature that would encourage the reading of the entire Bible in one year? I think it would be very helpful if the schedule included some OT and some NT in each day’s goal.

    • Steve @ Looking Upward Apps says:

      Jack, do you need to be able to use this off-line or would it still be useful if you needed an Internet connection to read the BIble passages? If reading online is OK, I could allow choice of Bible versions without having to license them all. (Zondervan wants $7500 to start and $4.50/unit to license the NIV, for example.)

  3. Jack Anderson says:

    I was thinking of only having the recommended Books/Verses for each day and a way of tracking progress. I have two Bible texts on my reader so do not need the ability to “read” the text in the App. I believe that most users of an e-reader will have a Bible on theirs too.

  4. Sorry, did not answer your question with the previous post. I think the key to success is to have content available when not in WiFi environments. The majority of my reading is at home were I have Wifi; however, I want to have content available when traveling and when staying at places without WiFi.

    • Steve @ Looking Upward Apps says:

      Thanks for the info. I have some ideas I’m going to explore. Everything’s taking a little longer than expected. (Never underestimate time the time required for good customer support. 🙂

  5. nikkigardelle says:

    I need you to pary for melody she is have a hard time

  6. Andre says:

    Just want to say Thank You Steve for what you do.
    André <

  7. jo says:

    Just a note of appreciation for the Kindle version, and for the ability to read offline. Thank you so much for providing this. jo

    • Steve @ Looking Upward Apps says:

      Thanks, jo! We have more things to come this year. I’ll keep you posted.

      God bless you,
      Steve @ Looking Upward Apps

  8. Shotzie says:

    Do you have a “morning and evening” app?

    • Steve @ Looking Upward Apps says:

      Hi, Shotzie!

      Thanks for writing. We don’t currently have a Morning and Evening app, but that’s a great idea. Which device would you like to run it on?


      Steve @ Looking Upward Apps

  9. Matthew says:

    Thank you very much for this wonderful app! I use it every single day to copy the daily reading from Faith’s Checkbook app on my Samsung Proclaim into my Facebook app on the same phone, so the “copy to clipboard” button is the feature I use the most often. Also, I think it is amazing how you are responding to each individual person who posts and you actually care about their input! Thank you so much for this app, and if you have any other apps that provide easy copy&paste features so that I can share the text in Facebook posts, let me know, and I might use them too (Christ-related information). You know, the link to your app at the bottom of each devotional is a nice little advertisement for your product as well, so hopefully I’ll be sending some people your way! God bless!

    • Steve @ Looking Upward Apps says:

      Thank you, Matthew! I’m so glad you’ve been blessed by the app. We’re hoping to have some great new apps for Christians in the coming year.
      God bless you!

  10. This is great for copy&pasting the devotional into Facebook with my cellphone! I get to share with everyone very quickly! Thank you!

  11. Jeanette Hamilton says:

    Thank you so much

  12. Steve Martindill says:

    Just a note to tell you how much I like the fcb app — great job.
    I also am interested in a Morning and Evening app, to read on my Galaxy Tab 2 7.0. I don’t have a Google account, but I do have an Amazon account and would love to purchase the app through them.

    • Steve @ Looking Upward Apps says:

      Thanks for the note, Steve! We’re working on what our future apps will be, but in the meantime, I know Morning and Evening is available online at several websites and also (only when connected to the Internet) in the YouVersion Bible app.

  13. Juan vega says:

    Love to ur devotion tsnx

    • Steve @ Looking Upward Apps says:

      Thanks, Juan! Do you live in Belize? I know some Spanish but no Kriol!

      Thank you for the kinds words.

      Yours in Christ,

  14. Lisa says:

    I am very excited about finding my way back to the Lord using this app. to help. I also look forward to having people to chat with.

  15. Just love this Faith’ s Checkbook Devotional (1.7).

    • Steve @ Looking Upward Apps says:

      Thanks, JoAnn. I’m so glad you’re being blessed.
      God bless you!

      Steve @ WhitneyApps / Looking Upward Apps

  16. The.Rt.Rev.Dr.Selva Raju says:

    Geetings to in the name of our LORD and saviour JESUS CHRIST.
    I’ m fain what about you and our ministry?please pray of my ministry.
    thank you.

  17. Hannatu Ibrahim says:

    This is 2 years of going with devotional and. Gain daily a new thing. God bless you and the effort to nurture and encourage others. Thanks.

  18. Hanny says:

    Glad to have this, its encouradging. Thanks

  19. Thank for the work of God being done.

  20. marktroughton says:

    Thanks for a great job. I’ve loved CHS for many years and am so thankful to the Lord for our brother
    Thanks again

  21. Paul says:

    i do love Mr.Spurgeon’s teachings & preachings.

  22. Emmanuel okorocha says:

    I see God lay his hand on me but I need the grace of God

  23. zanele ngidi says:

    I would like to get devotions everyday plz

  24. Jason chao Naing Myo says:

    Good long to read and meditate thanks

  25. linna anders says:

    I love this I have read this for the last 2 1/2 years, trying to get this on my laptop so I can share it with the world like I did on my phone, thank you love all of this

  26. linna anders says:

    I would love this posted In my email, so I could share on facebook everyday.

  27. Very nice
    May God bless you sir

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